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My name is Brittney Y.S.L LeBlue and this is my ePortfolio for the iMET, Master of Arts in Educational Technology,

program at California State University, Sacramento.

I have been on this educational journey for 13 years.  I started my pursuit of higher education in 2007. My main motivator to attend college was my son, who was also born in 2007. In 2012 I graduated from Sacramento City College, received an acceptance letter from Sacramento State, and discovered I was going to be a new mother again. Graduating with my BA in Psychology in 2014 from California State University Sacramento, I decided to continue my educational journey, and In the Fall of 2014, I began the Master of Arts in Educational Technology graduate program at California State University, Sacramento. 

My experience has been rewarding, in that I have developed personally and professionally by conquering every challenge throughout this process. I have most certainly wanted to give up at times, but I always had the determination to keep going. When I first started in the iMET17 cohort, I felt unprepared and suffered from extreme anxiety because I was unsure of how to succeed at this level of academia. The knowledge gained from the courses and connections made with other members in the cohort proved to be a positive experience. I plan to use my experience and expertise to support student-parents in their own educational journey as well as support educators to include technology as a learning tool in the classroom.

This portfolio includes some highlights, reflections, and projects of my experiences in the program. One thing for certain is that education creates opportunities that can not only change lives but, in some cases, save them. My life and the advantages that have been afforded to my children are a direct result of my ability to earn a college degree.

Process: Services
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